
Mastering Pitch Manipulation: Changing the Pitch of a Song Project in FL Studio 20


FL Studio 20 offers a wide range of tools and features for music production, including the ability to change the pitch of a song project. Whether you want to transpose a melody, create harmonies, or experiment with different musical keys, FL Studio provides intuitive and powerful pitch manipulation capabilities. In this article, we will guide you through the process of changing the pitch of a song project in FL Studio 20, unlocking new creative possibilities for your music.

Step 1:

Selecting the Song Project Open FL Studio 20 and load the song project you wish to change the pitch of. You can either open an existing project or create a new one. Ensure that all the tracks and elements of your project are in place before proceeding to the next steps.

Step 2:

Accessing the Piano Roll The Piano Roll is a fundamental tool in FL Studio for working with melodies and notes. To access the Piano Roll for a particular instrument or track, select the corresponding channel or pattern in the Channel Rack. Right-click on the channel or pattern and choose “Piano Roll” from the context menu. This will open the Piano Roll window for that specific instrument or track.

Step 3:

Transposing Notes in the Piano Roll Once you are in the Piano Roll window, you can begin transposing the notes to change the pitch. Select the notes or the section of the melody you want to transpose by clicking and dragging the cursor over them. Right-click on the selected notes and choose “Transpose” from the context menu. A pop-up window will appear, allowing you to specify the desired pitch shift in semitones or musical intervals. Enter the desired value and click “Accept” or press Enter to apply the transposition.

Step 4:

Using the Pitcher Plugin FL Studio 20 also includes a dedicated plugin called Pitcher, which provides more advanced pitch manipulation capabilities. To use Pitcher, insert it as an effect on the desired track or channel. Once inserted, open the plugin window and experiment with the various parameters to achieve the desired pitch modulation. Pitcher offers features such as pitch correction, harmonization, and formant shifting, allowing you to manipulate the pitch in more creative ways.

Step 5:

Real-Time Pitch Bending with Automation If you want to introduce real-time pitch bending effects throughout your song, you can utilize FL Studio’s automation feature. Assign the pitch bend parameter of the instrument or plugin to a MIDI controller or automation clip. Create an automation clip for the pitch bend parameter and draw in the desired pitch variations throughout the song. This method gives you precise control over pitch modulation and adds dynamic expression to your music.


FL Studio 20 provides versatile tools for changing the pitch of a song project, allowing you to transpose melodies, create harmonies, and experiment with different musical keys. By following the steps outlined in this article—accessing the Piano Roll, transposing notes, using the Pitcher plugin, and utilizing automation—you can effectively manipulate the pitch in FL Studio 20. Embrace the creative possibilities of pitch modulation and explore new musical dimensions in your song projects with FL Studio 20’s powerful pitch manipulation capabilities.

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